But i will try to make up for it! Hopefully this will be a long blog entry with lots of updates, pictures and videos.
So to start from le beginning... In my last post I mentioned a surprise party for Sonia and Olga at Tiiu and Kaiu's house. As promised, pictures from there, with our if I may say, amazing ombré cake .. :)
That night was also Eurovision 2012,where Sweden ended up becoming the winner with the song below. Personally, I don't think it's the best song ever..but I did think it was a good winner song this year.(:
Wednesday was the first night of Distortion, a street music festival in Copenhagen, which takes place over about 5 days, in different parts of the city. The first night it was in the main city. It was sooo cold, but so much fun! few pictures beloww, sorry for the quality!!
Friday I went shopping with my mummy! I bought quite a few things; 2 pairs of jeans from ONLY, denim 3/4 pants from ONLY, black 3/4 haram pants from GINA TRICOT, flowery printed harampants from SAINT TROPEZ, a new bikini from WARP, open summery gladiator shoes from BIANCO, and a jumpsuit from H&M. Happy Dayys! :))
Yesterday and Today, I had my two Danish exams..bleh! but now i'm donee with those. Nicole came over afterwards today, and we just chilled at my house with SO much food! ahahha :D but it was so much fun with her.
Tomorrow, I'm meeting Sabina from my Jazz Dance group at Love2Dance, and we're going into town for a while. Will try and blog tomorrow night, and let you guys know the events of the day.
And finally, since we've missed Top 3 of the Week, last Friday (sorrysorrysorry!) i will post 3 videos that I've watched/listened to today.
This song is from a while back, but I loved it way back then, and I still love it now :) Natalie Imbruglia - Torn.
This video is only 24 hours old. It's been jubilee weekend in the United Kingdom this weekend to celebrate the diamond jubilee of Queen Elizabeth's 60 years of service on the British throne. Yesterday, there was a huge concert for a crowd of millions, and many members of the royal family, and also the queen herself. Ed Sheeran was one of the performing artists. This video just makes me proud. It shows how far Ed really has come :') and his unbelievable talent to catch the attention of approx. 22 million viewers with just his voice and his guitar. Ed ,I love you! <3 Ed Sheeran - A-team
This song is all the way back from 2009, and I had heard it a couple of times on the radio then, but was re-introduced to it today by Nicole. The lyrics are lovely, and the chorus is quite catchy :) Matt Nathanson - Come On Get Higher.
So you guys, that's about it for this long post. I hope it was long enough and was able to compensate for all the days without blogging. Mucho love to you all from all around the world. I'm off to bed now. Night Night. xxx