Heyy Readers :)
Like the title? Dramatic huh? :b but today was oh so dramatic so it's all good. Major credits to my friend Tiiu for the title. She was nice enough to come up with the title while I was having a mental blockage. She's super, Tiiu, I just love to talk to her because she always somehow, by reasons still unknown to me even after being friends with her for 10 years, manages to make me feel generally happier. Actually, I was just telling her the other day how she makes people happy, she probably just took it as an average compliment, I don't really think she understood the genuine thankfulness and love behind it all.And I have serious doubts that she'll be reading this, but I know how much she means, and I guess that's good enough.. She's one of those people who once you get to know, you know that you'll never ever forget them, and not because of something negative, but just because your memories with them are happy ones that you want to remember. I don't know what I'm going to do without her and Kaiu in my class next year, not seeing them as regularly as before..My horoscope today actually says my compatibility is best with Aries today, which they both are, so maybe that's why these feelings are evident :P..no, I just .I guess I'm really gonna miss them next year. I'm going to miss everyone really, not seeing the same group of people at school everyday like you've been doing for the past few years. Yes, ofcourse I'll get to meet new people in a whole new environment and I'll still have a few from the class with me, which I'm really happy about..it's still pretty scary thinking about not going into a classroom where you have the comfort of people you've known since you were 5 or 6, who you know so well, and who you feel good around. hahahha, I've completely gone off on a tangent here..sorry guys, back to today's story! xx
So basically, today I went into school at 9 for one of my french papers. Since it was a test, we naturally didnt have our phones or bags or anything on us at all. After the paper, we were told to leave all our stuff and go up to the library. Here Mr. Barker told us that they had scheduled the french paper incorrectly, and so now we would have to wait locked up in the library with literally no access to the outside world - ie, no phones, computers anything until 3, because they had to be careful that none of the answers on the paper were leaked to other countries who would be taking the same paper as us a few hours later. It was extreme, we all sat in the library with absolutely nothing to do, a few text books, paper, pen and later on a few board games :P it was so extreme that we even had to be escorted to the bathroom by a supervisor. Like what the hell?! It was so stupid... None of us had lunch, because we all had expected to leave right after the exam, so the school ordered pizza for us. Hahahah, and we weren't even allowed to contact home from our own phones in case the answers accidentally slipped out..-.-' So we were locked up in the library supervised by teachers for about 4 hours, with not much to do. We finally got let off around 3. Came home and slept until about 7. I don't know why, but sitting around doing nothing had made me extremely tired :P woke up, chilled for a bit, had dinner, studied history for about an hour, and now imma head off to bed.
I'm not going into school tomorrow because I have no papers, so will be home nerding history for all of it. oh the joys!
Goodnight peeps!