Beauty, Fashion, and the exciting parts of my life documented under one URL.
lørdag den 25. februar 2012
The moment when your day has been going pretty good, and you feel like you're doing something nice and thoughtful for others, and one person decides to ignore that and comment on something totally different about what you said, and it ruins everything. Thanks..I was having a great day until you had to come along and ruin everything. i wish you'd think before you do things like that. you have no idea how shallow it is of you to do. and that's not the only thing that's got me pissed- i recently found out about you telling certain people about something which happened a while ago- why the fuck would you have to mention that to them?! they weren't involved, they have no buisness knowing! in that conversation they actually even said that i was "pretty awesome" to which you replied "yeah, but there is this thing that happened, which I'll tell you about, but she can't know im telling you". Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out? They hadn't even mentioned anything , and you had to go and make it all negative. i kind of feel like it's to make yourself look better. It's like you don't like the fact that im friends with them, so you feel the need to mention you something from ages ago, to people who genuinly like me- just to mess things up. and you said to them "but she can't know", that makes it so much fucking worse! you honestly thought he wouldn't tell me?? you underestimate him; and me for that matter. mentioning mistakes of the past to my new friends.. i don't know if that's slutty of you- getting rid of all his other friends, just because you want to be the only one talking to him, or if it's just incredibly shallow of you, making you a horrible friend. I wish you read this and realise that it's you I'm talking about, and realise how bitchy it is of you to be doing. i also hope that you one day feel the same somehow and karma fucking gets to you, then you realise what you do to others without even stopping once to think that it's not okay. FUCK YOU.