It's finally the winter holidays! No school or anything in that sense for a 9 days! just the thought of being able to sleep in late is enough to make me happy. I'm staying in cold and dark denmark -.-' yaaay...but on the plus side, I get to chill and do nothing,and catch up with all the wonderful people I havn't seen in ages. I still have dance training throughout the holidays, but that I don't mind at all.
It's Valentines Day on Tuesday, my mommy comes home on Thursday and it's fastelavn on Sunday.
I've had a good start to the holiday- waking up late to a breakfast of nutella on toast and strawberries, and a chai latte! muuuumms <3 then i cleaned up the whole house, cause we're haviong people over tomorrow- and then I went out shopping with daddy and Arni, and just procrastinated the whole day through.
- I felt in the wintermood, so I changed the blog layout abit- lemme know what you think :)
what are your holiday plans? Are you guys going out travelling, or are you staying home like the rest of us cool people? ;)
Omnomnom Breakfast! |
kyskys :*